a black box performance (2009)
Excerpt from Morgenbladet´s review on the black box performance at Dance House:
“The run-through I saw can also be interpreted as a contemporary dance macabre where an existential uprising merges with disclosure and collapse, reminding us about the potential violence of all earthly self-glorification. In accordance with Nair and Habib’s uncompromising dance, Hindi’s live sound work is a constant reminder of human’s challenging pull between the organic and the mechanical. Which in turn, is reminiscent of a state of being, a world, where no place is void of violence.”
Excerpt from Dagsavisen´s review at Dance House:
“The element that unifies the performances is an interminable length of black cable. The cables tie the black clad and undressed bodies together with heavy electronics. The performers crawl around like moles in the dark. The deep, monotone noise does not cease, even though the lights are turned on. Spotlights are put on the audience; I can almost hear the performers throwing themselves like moths to the light. After a while I see the skid marks left by the in numerous soles that have slipped on the plastic mats. In that way the secret story of the black box, supposedly neutral in the service of fiction, reveals itself to me.”
With and by: Mia Habib, Rani Nair, Jassem Hindi
Light design: Ingeborg S. Olerud
Production: WE INSIST and Mia Habib Productions / Sweet & Tender Norway
Co-production: Dansens Hus, Du store Verden!, Norway, Göteborg Dans & Teater festival, Riksteatern, Sweden, CCN de Franche-Comté à Belfort dans le cadre de l’accueil/studio – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – D
RAC Franche-Comté et de la convention culturesfrance / Conseil Régional de Franche-Comté, France
Supported by: Arts Council Norway and The fund for performing artists