Mia Habib / Rani Nair / Jassem Hindi / Jane Jin Kaisen (2011)

[a Connect Connect project/ SPIELART]

Mia Habib/ Brynjar Bandlien (2012)

This piece is a shadow dance, a ripple in the wake of a massacre. A space we created to allow us to be haunted by these traumas. This is an island. A house for the living and the dead. A haunted ground and house of many secrets. A place to play with magic and clay. Make friend with ghosts. Dance like little gods. A hill where we can transmute and transform spirits into paper, paper into tears, bury sorrow in the earth and make a gathering out of it. Where strangers will come to miss-tell our stories, to betray them so that they can live on, and be carried by other people. Your remains are now our remains. We make music, pictures, dances, movies, costumes, objects, lights. We call upon trials, demonstrations, mourning songs, speeches, conversations, whistling, storms, other islands, other stories.